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浙江海正化工股份有限公司      浙江海正化工股份有限公司是国有控股的国家定点农药综合性生产企业,创建于1998年。

      海正化工携全面EHS管理及高品质优势,85%产品行销于世界50多个国家,与拜耳、先正达、富美实等跨国公司建立了长期战略合作伙伴关系。公司抱持“为员工、为股东、为社会” 的经营宗旨,坚守“诚信,创新,勤奋”的核心价值,崇尚“海纳厚生,正道修远”的海正精神。以先进的制剂能力、高效的研发体系,朴实勤奋的员工,勇于负责的企业文化,诚邀愿长期合作的国内业界同仁,为构筑中国新型绿色农业而共赴使命。


Common name: oxine-copper(BSI,JMAF);oxine-copper (E-ISO);oxine-Cu(alternative E-ISO,(m)F-ISO);oxine-cuivre((m) F-ISO);oxyquinoleate de cuivre(France);copper 8-quinolinolate(Canada)
Biochemistry: The copper ions inhibit the metabolism of the fungus when they react with sulfur containing enzymes in the plant. Copper compounds form a protective barrier on the plant surface and thereby prevent fungi from entering the plant host.
Mode of action: Non-systemic,protective fungicide.Contact fungicide for the protection of  bacterial and fungal disease of trees and vegetables via restrain the gluconic acid, dehydrogenase phosphate, fumarase, amylase, aldolase etc. to control the disease.
Targets: Seed treatment for control of glume bloth,bunt,and snow mould of wheat;Cercospora, Phoma and Pythium spp.in beet;Alternaria and Botrytis spp.in flax;Alternaria and Phoma spp.in oilseed rape;Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in sunflowers;and leaf spot on celery;and scab and canker on pome fruit.Also used for sealing wounds and pruning cuts on trees,and for treatment of fruit- and potato- handling equipment.
Main crop: Vegetables, pome fruit, rice tomato.
Applied doses: Application rates range from 150-188 g/ha for control tomato late blight.
Main customer benefits:
A controlled release action, prevent long time to protect the crop.
A moderate pH value, can mix with the most of the pesticides, and not easy to cause pests and phyto-toxicity.
Strengthen the photosynthesis, boost the leaves green, beautify the fruit surface.


Common name: oxine-copper(BSI,JMAF);oxine-copper (E-ISO);oxine-Cu(alternative E-ISO,(m)F-ISO);oxine-cuivre((m) F-ISO);oxyquinoleate de cuivre(France);copper 8-quinolinolate(Canada)
Biochemistry: The copper ions inhibit the metabolism of the fungus when they react with sulfur containing enzymes in the plant. Copper compounds form a protective barrier on the plant surface and thereby prevent fungi from entering the plant host.
Mode of action: Non-systemic,protective fungicide.Contact fungicide for the protection of  bacterial and fungal disease of trees and vegetables via restrain the gluconic acid, dehydrogenase phosphate, fumarase, amylase, aldolase etc. to control the disease.
Targets: Seed treatment for control of glume bloth,bunt,and snow mould of wheat;Cercospora, Phoma and Pythium spp.in beet;Alternaria and Botrytis spp.in flax;Alternaria and Phoma spp.in oilseed rape;Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in sunflowers;and leaf spot on celery;and scab and canker on pome fruit.Also used for sealing wounds and pruning cuts on trees,and for treatment of fruit- and potato- handling equipment.
Main crop: Vegetables, pome fruit, rice tomato.
Applied doses: Can be diluted from 3000 to 4000 times for control Apple ring spot.
Main customer benefits:
A controlled release action, prevent long time to protect the crop.
A moderate pH value, can mix with the most of the pesticides, and not easy to cause pests and phyto-toxicity.
Strengthen the photosynthesis, boost the leaves green, beautify the fruit surface.

新品名称: 喹啉铜 制造商名称: 浙江海正化工股份有限公司
新品规格: 地址: 浙江
新品价格: 电话/手机: 0576-88827793
联系人: 业务部