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日本馆企业名称: Think-Lands Co.Ltd 联系地址: 日本
所属分类: 服装鞋帽行业 联系电话/手机: +81 45-633-4082

Assist laser pointer for Orthopedics operation

Medical application:Arthroscopic Pointer The laser poiter guides to confirm the shape of the bone tunnel inlet and safer drill angle arthroscopically for ACL reconstruction

Novel needle cap set

Through inovations in manufacturing technology, our company is aiming towards mass production and commonplace use of the Through inovations in manufacturing technology, our company is aiming towards mass production and commonplace use of the hollow micro needle (HMN). In etching, Injection molding, which has been the technology up until now, is a high polymer material, and as such, hollowing has been difficult, leading to limitations on it’s practical use and not being established as a mass produced technology.

Commercial Insulin syringe

Through inovations in manufacturing technology, our company is aiming towards mass production and commonplace use of the Through inovations in manufacturing technology, our company is aiming towards mass production and commonplace use of the hollow micro needle (HMN). In etching, Injection molding, which has been the technology up until now, is a high polymer material, and as such, hollowing has been difficult, leading to limitations on it’s practical use and not being established as a mass produced technology.

Think-Lands Co., Ltd驱使卓越的光学及电气技术,制造及销售世界最先进的医疗器械和检测器械。特别值得一提的是成功开发了利用“光涡”这一特殊光学技术的开发制造技术后,正在力争实现Hollow Micro Needle。针对医疗领域的应用,实现了所有药剂的经皮注入,目标在医疗用药领域欣起革新浪潮;在美容应用领域,正在推进抗衰老美容革新产品的开发。

联系人:研究開発部 取締役&CTO 及川 陽一

联系电话:+81 45-633-4082
