伊朗将于7月16日对中国游客免签- 商旅生活 -商友邦网
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信息来源:网络       信息发布时间 :2019/7/12 20:05:33


伊朗政府将于7月16日对中国游客免签,中国游客可以在伊朗一次性停留15天。伊朗政府发言人Ali Rabiei今年6月宣布:伊朗决定不给外国游客的护照盖戳,以帮助他们避开美国的旅行禁令。

As of July 16, Chinese passport holders will no longer need visas to enter Iran, ISNA reported on Tuesday.

The privilege is valid for 15 days of stay in the Islamic Republic.

In late June, the Iranian government, in a unilateral measure, approved to waive the visa requirement for Chinese travelers.

Government spokesman Ali Rabiei announced in June that Iran has decided not to stamp the passports of foreign tourists to help them skip the U.S. travel ban.

“President Hassan Rouhani assigned the airport police not to stamp passports of foreign tourists. Taking into consideration the fact that America is practicing the economic terrorism plans, and people who travel to Iran may feel a bit afraid that they may be pressured by America,” Rabiei told reporters in Tehran. He added that this can invite more tourists to Iran.

Nearly 7.8 million tourists traveled to Iran in the last fiscal year (ended March 20), showing a 52.5 percent growth compared with the preceding year.