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巴基斯坦馆企业名称: 吉尔吉特马球节 联系地址: 吉尔吉特
所属分类: 食品酒水行业 联系电话/手机: 0


Gilgit is the capital city of Gilgit-Baltistan, an administrative territory of Pakistan. The city of Gilgit constitutes a tehsil within Gilgit District.The city's ancient name was Sargin, later to be known as Gilit, and it is still referred to as Gilit or Sargin-Gilit by local people.


Gilgit was an important city on the Silk Road, along which Buddhism was spread from South Asia to the rest of Asia. It is considered as a Buddhism corridor from which many Chinese monks came to Kashmir to learn and preach Buddhism.Nowadays,Gilgit still plays a very important role on the “OBOR” and CPEC.


The Shandur Polo tournament is one of the famous tournament in Pakistan and it is the most attractive activity in Gilgit. Because of the high altitude, it is a great chanllege for both the horse and the particitants. According to the rules, the match last 1 hour and the players can have a rest for 10min duiring the match. Each party has 6 players and who first advanced 9 ball, who will win.

山地马球赛的一场比赛大约会持续一个小时,但每个队员在比赛期间只有一匹马可以使用。在欧洲,马球队由四人组成,骑手绝对不能对对手做出伤害球手和马匹的行为。如果一旦有人伤害了对手的马匹或球手,那么他的球队都将被逐出赛场,甚至在第二年只能作为观众来参加比赛。毕竟,如果这项制度不够严格,那么马匹和运动员都有可能受很严重的伤,甚至死亡。但是在巴基斯坦,六个人组成的马球队和对手在狭长的场地上进行比赛,这里几乎没有什么规则限制,使得运动更为喧嚣,快节奏,充斥着频繁的暴力冲撞。The players are not allowed to do harm to the horses and other players,if anyone against the rule,he will be send off and wont be allow to participate the next years' match. After all, if the system is not strict, horses and is likely to be a serious injury to athletes, and even death.

But in Pakistan, composed of six teams carry on the competition and rivals in the narrow space, here there are few rules limit, makes exercise more blatant, fast rhythm, with frequent violent collisions.

申杜尔山地马球节从一开始就充满惊险。六名参赛球员必须从任意三个通道进行危险的长途跋涉,才能抵达赛场。不是每个人都安全地到达赛场的。每年都会有一些人在半路重伤甚至死亡,永远沉睡在“天堂之巅”。 随着时间临近,越来越多的人聚集到比赛场地边,在近万名观众的注视下,马球手们整装待发,准备战斗。

The shandur polo tournament is full of thrilling at the first. Six players must be from the three channels for dangerous trek, to reach the field. Not everyone is safely arrived in the field. Every year,there are some people got serious injured and even death in the halfway, sleep on top of the "heaven" forever. As the time approached, more and more people gathered in field of juggle, in the past thousands of spectators watched, polo player ready, ready to fight.


This is a battle. On the pitch, players shake hands and wish each other good luck, but soon comes the bloody conflict.As Pakistan's President, formally announced the match began, and 12 players rode at full speed, not afraid to stick to himself, use their shoulders and physical confrontation, seeking the goal of pleasure. In the polo match, what the most important is the most primitive nature, enjoy is speed and joy.

当有球员受伤甚至肋骨断裂,他们也是经过简单的包扎和夹板固定后,重新投入比赛。 最后的冠军产生之时,全场观众都会涌进赛场,欢呼雀跃。胜利的球队会在全副武装的警察保护下,从总统手中接过奖杯,为这一年的节日画上圆满的句号。

When there are players injured and even broken ribs, they will sonn back into the game after wound simply. The final champion produced, the audience will be poured into the stadium, and cheers. Winning team will be under the heavily armed police protection, getting the cup from the President.